Miracle moringa


via Moringa is research topic – Regional – Northeast Diary Nespaper ,Fortalrza , Ceara ,Brazil


Moringa is research topic

14:37 · 27.10.2010
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Listed as “miracle of nature”, moringa oleifera is the object of research in Caucaia and food source 

Fortaleza – This week, students, researchers and professionals from all over Brazil celebrated the National Week of Science and Technology, with the theme Science for Sustainable Development. Many papers were presented and discussed as alternatives to sustainability. Here in Ceará, highlighting the research experiences and dissemination of moringa oleifera plant known worldwide for its rich nutritional and medicinal properties. Students from the High School José Alexandre, the Capuan District in Caucaia, coordinated by biologist and professor at the Vocational Technology Center (CVTec), Priscila Carvalho Netherlands, realize the project “Moringa oleifera – A miracle of nature,” presented during the week.

Students disclose the plant and pass teachings on consumption and medicinal use, with distribution of seeds and seedlings.


Since 2009 the school implements a project of environmental revitalization and landscape, with the support of Vocational Technology Center (CVTec), São Gonçalo do Amarante. Among the actions, students and teachers implemented a butterfly garden and a collection of plants. Among them, the ornamental. The idea was to transform the school into a living laboratory. “Inside we work this question of living laboratory and so the butterfly garden and a collection of plants”, explains the biologist. Until then, the moringa tree, lush beauty and rapid growth, was planted in the school yard to beautify the site. It was during the Environment Week this year, celebrated in June, the discovery of the nutritional richness of moringa has surfaced for students and teachers.

During the week, “the proposed CVTec was the school to plant a tree that had the characteristic of carbon sequestering, CO², and we chose the moringa. That was when I started this discovery. We did not know the properties, only the beauty and growth, “said the biologist. For the student and scholar of the project, Raimundo Nonato de Sousa Paiva, also known as Flamel, the discovery came to help in community nutrition, “we developed a project to include moringa in community nutrition and school meals because of their values nutrition. we have some people who are in need of vitamins and are feeding with moringa. ”

Moringa oleifera is a vegetable tree, the family of legumes, like beans, which has many uses: can produce oils, biofuels, wood, paper, fruits, fiber, food, and shade and fresh water. Or rather, purify dirty water to let it fit for human consumption. Almost all parts of the moringa are edible, except the stem, which is used in crafts.


From India, in a region with characteristics similar to the backlands of Brazil, where there is little rain and in a short period of the year, the plant is of the Moringaceae family. It was brought to Brazil as an ornamental plant in the 1950s is known by various names: lily-white and okra corner in some parts of Northeast Brazil; in English is called the drumstick (stick) because the fruit shape look like a drumstick drum.


According to the biologist, many studies are already under development in Brazil and elsewhere in the world, to prove the protein value, coagulant and antibiotics, as well as water purifier, moringa oleifera. Even without proof of its benefits, the plant is already part of the power of many people in Africa, Asia and Central America. “In Africa it is widely used in the treatment of AIDS, not because healing. But it is good for autoimmune diseases and also because it strengthen the person ‘s body,” he said. In addition to strengthening the organism, the plant has, among its properties, a high power coagulation and antibiotic.


“We have some people who are in need of vitamins and are feeding with moringa.”

Raimundo Nonato de Sousa
Student of the 2nd year and scholarship of the project

“It should be implemented in community food and can reduce child mortality.”

Luis Vinicius de Oliveira
Student of the 2nd year and scholarship project


High School José Alexandre, Capuan, Caucaia

(85) 3101.3386

CVTec São Gonçalo – (85) 3315.4503

tree is rich in vitamins

The flowers, leaves, pods, roots and moringa seeds are highly nutritious. They are a significant source of beta-carotene, vitamins A and C, protein, iron and potassium. The sheet of Moringa Oleifera has an equivalent amount of beef proteins, present in 27% of the composition. The vitamin A content is four times greater than that of a carrot. To get an idea is considered the largest amount of vitamin A found in edible plants. Moringa has 23 billion IU (international units) per 100 grams of mature leaves, compared to 5000 IU and 3.7 thousand broccoli carrot. They are also a source of phosphorus, calcium, iron and vitamin C.

The plant has also four times more calcium than milk and three times more potassium than bananas. “Banana is well known for potassium, which are important components for the balance of the person,” according to biologist Priscila Carvalho Netherlands, adding that the plant has “more iron than spinach, in addition, phosphorus, zinc, vitamin C, vitamin E, among others. ”

For Luis Vinicius de Oliveira Miranda, the most interesting is that all parts of the plant are utilized. And that they are spreading and entering slowly in Capuan community. “The leaves are used to make juices, sauces and soups. Wood is the only part of the plant is not edible, but it is used for the manufacture of bags, crafts and fiber. The resin serves as a medicine and spice. It is extracted when cuts the trunk. the leaves already gives us an amount of nutrients present in many foods and is very important also the seed to purify water, “he said. For him, the plant “should be implemented in feeding children in school meals and can reduce child mortality.”

Another benefit of the “miraculous” plant is to combat aging. The antibacterial properties present in leaves and seeds, combined with other vitamins, combat free radicals.

To spread the use of the plant, the project produced 1,000 educational brochures, through a partnership with Centec Institute CVTec of São Gonçalo and Deusmar Queiroz Foundation. This past week, lectures, tastings and distribution of seeds and seedlings were held for pupils, parents and teachers. In CVTec of Saint Mary a Moringa research group was formed to studies on the plant. The next step for the team is “further research and seek scientific work, to strengthen the scientific basis of nutritional and medicinal area, which is more consolidated and continue todistribute the plant,” he added Priscila Carvalho.

Emanuelle Wolf

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